Khandro Déchen:
Dorje Tröllö is carried like a hurricane through the space of existence and
non-existence, on the immeasurable tigress of passionate space. The
tigress—who is
pregnant with spacious passion—is none other than his secret wisdom nature. She
Tashi Chhi’drèn;
lineal antecedent of
Pema ’ö-Zér;
mother of
Aro Lingma.
The sky-tigress overpowers all phenomena in bliss-emptiness, and her roar devastates the fabric
of all dualistic contrivances. He stands astride on her back in a stance known
as ‘unbridled vajra arrogance’ – a display of the natural state, in which
everything relaxes into primal purity. His left leg is extended outward in token
of fearless kindness, and his relentless ability to enter swiftly into activity
for the benefit of everyone and everything everywhere.