Ngakma Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo (sNgags ma Shar grol Du mNyams dBang mo), gives an empowerment (dBang sKur – abhisheka) of Kurukula in Bodha in January 2004. She has made many pilgrimages to Nepal and has been a marvellous guide to students of Vajrayana who have travelled to Bodha and Yang-lé-shöd. In 2001 she was invited to give teaching by the 13th incarnation of Trakngak Lingpa who was keen that his students made a connection with her. She is much loved for her kindness, humour, and naturalness – and for her thorough, painstaking, unstinting explanations.
When in Nepal, Ngakma Shardröl spends a great deal of time supervising the embroidery of Aro gTér shawls and ritual garments – as she has a keen artistic sense and a rare appreciation of detail. She has taken a special interest in the fabrication of the lineage shawls and her expertise on the subject of the Aro Lineage Tantric vestments is unsurpassed.