Ngak’chang Rinpoche says of the Red Seng-gé Dongma:
She is the shocking presence of the immanence of liberation. Red
Seng-gé Dongma is a physical statement of uninhibited grandeur. It is important
for practitioners to understand that non-dual manifestations of physical form
are unlimited in terms of liberating potential, and that these forms are also
outrageously educational even in ordinary societal terms. Eastern societies have
always understood corpulence in terms of power – but we are afflicted with an
‘adoration of emaciation’ in the West. Seng-gé Dongma is the perfect cure for
this lamentable disease. In terms of Vajrayana, every body type is linked to a
means of liberation.
The peaceful, joyous (or semi-wrathful), and ferocious yidams are depicted as slim (peaceful), voluptuous (joyous), and obese (wrathful).