Khandro Déchen comments:
Seng-gé Dongma is an extremely important yidam within the
Aro gTér and she was the central
practice of Aro Yeshé. In terms of the
three kayas she is Kuntuzangmo (kun to bZang mo / Samantabhadri), the wisdom
ground of being (chos sKu / dharmakaya);
Yeshé Tsogyel (ye shes mTsho rGyal
/ Jnana Sagara), the wisdom-dynamic of being (longs sKu / sambhogakaya);
and Red Seng-gé Dongma (seng ge gDong dMar / simha mukha or simha vaktra), the wisdom
manifestation of being (sPrul sKu / nirmanakaya).
There are five manifestations of Seng-gé Dongma within the Aro gTér cycle of yidams: the yellow, white, red, green, and blue Seng-gé Dongmas.
Ngak’chang Rinpoche says of her:
The Red Seng-gé Dongma is known as the ‘Ravishing Corpulent Red Lioness of
Maniacal Mutilation’who slays the self-constructed ugliness of deranged attempts
to violate the copious wholesomeness and fullness of Dharma. The wrath of each
of the manifestations of Seng-gé Dongma within the Aro gTér kyil’khor of Seng-gé
Dongmas is reflected in their volume. The Red Seng-gé Dongma manifests the empty
wrath of passion and is second only in her rage to the Green Seng-gé Dongma who manifests the empty wrath of paranoia.